Sunday, June 17, 2007

Great Smoky Mountains

the Great Smokys are beautiful, but not very exciting. so we took lots of pictures.


Anonymous 7:47 PM  

Hi girls,

Loved your photos, it is good to see you again even if it is over the computer. Really liked your plant pictures. Can you label them? Have a great trip.
Love, Mom

Unknown 11:22 PM  

Hey GEEZ I miss you guys. So Sparky, I quit the bar AND the Burlesque troupe AND we went to San Diego and got my stuff from Maggie (I never have to talk to her again EVER!) and many, many other good things are afoot. The stress level is dropping every day over here...hope you are having an amazing time! Wish we were on a road trip too, though I'm sure we'd drive you crazy if we were with you. Ha! :).

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