Wednesday, June 20, 2007

the district

we arrived at jody and erik's downtown DC condo late Friday night, ready for the city life, AKA something to do. saturday we walked through Rock Creek park and stumbled upon a baby panda posing for pictures (at the zoo). we managed to gather all our DC area friends together for drinks at Madam's Organ and ten-pound falafel pitas. they all wanted to meet again the next day for brunch in baltimore.

jody and erik took us on their soon-to-be patented "Monuments by Moonlight" bike tour. we rode our bikes from their condo down to and around the national mall, finishing up at the whitehouse. we took lots of pictures. erik caught a firefly. it was a spectacular way to see the monuments - highly recommended.

other big city activities included: witnessing erik go to the rescue of a pedestrian hit by a car, playing with bunnies, and receiving a parking ticket minutes before our departure.

more pictures


Anonymous 11:49 AM  

NO!! I can't believe you got a ticket! How could that be? You only came up to the house for 10 minutes after we finished loading. We miss you already!


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