Wednesday, September 27, 2006

gossip on swan island with mika miko

last night the Gossip played at Plush in Tucson. We arrived just in time to be surprised by the first opening band, Swan Island, who grabbed my attention from the first old-school hard rock guitar riff to the last. I immediately got my hands on their debut CD and a button for my bag. Mika Miko were entertaining and energetic, and I was absolutely captivated by their drummer, Kate Hall. Finally, the Gossip came on and did not disappoint. I have been wanting to see them live since forever. the large undeniably danceable sound that trio can make with just one guitar, one drum set, and one voice is remarkable. and Beth Ditto is as hot in person as you would think. she came into the crowd and danced with Sallypants causing both of us to squeal like little girls. sorry, no pictures, i was too busy dancing to bother, but rusty wasn't - i got some from him. All three bands are on myspace, so go there if you are interested in hearing what they sound like:

Swan Island MySpace
Mika Miko Myspace
The Gossip MySpace

Leslie and the LYs

Leslie Hall, keeper of thyn gems, graced Tucson with a de-speachifying show last Thursday. Leslie and the Doctor performed all the hits, bestowed names on 5 local gem sweaters, and even showed up at Dougie's afterparty. I was seriously blown away by Leslie's energy, humour, faith in the gems and, especially, her dancing. Douglas and Logan were two of the lucky to be on stage with her and had the incredible honor of supporting Leslie as she flew through the air suspended from a two-by-four. It was magical. Behold Leslie and friends after the show. See all the pictures at flickr.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

brought to you by unions

we got out of town for a quick trip to Sedona and Wet Beaver Creek over the labor day weekend. the line of cars getting off the freeway and headed into Sedona was discouraging, but Sedona's beauty overwhelmed all that. after visiting with the Deeds household and Sheila, we headed off to the best swimming hole ever. nobody was there, the water was refreshing and cold, we swam and slept naked on the red rocks. i am refreshed. of course, i forgot the camera, but here is a picture from a previous trip to the wet beaver.

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