Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Macbeth: The Graphic Novel

I don't think I have attempted to read a Shakespeare play since high school, but I could not pass up this graphic novel version when I passed it by at the library. Macbeth is the source of some of the most heard Shakespeare quotes which you may not realize are Shakespeare.

"Double double toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble."


"Out damned spot! Out I say!"

Classical Comics, publishes three versions: one with the complete original text, one with the complete play translated into plain english, one with the complete play translated into modern english. I read the original text version and was impressed at how much the comic book conventions added to my comprehension of the story and still allowed me to enjoy the poetry of Shakespeare.

Click on this scans of the pages that contain the above famous quotes to see larger versions.


maya 1:05 PM  

That's super cool. I recently got a graphic novel called, The United States Constitution. Fer Reals.


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