Monday, January 22, 2007

it snows in the desert

one of the reasons i moved to Tucson was to get out of cold crusty snowy winters. last night there was a pretty good snow storm here in middle of the desert. i was working hard in my little pink home office last night freezing my ass off (you might say 'ya right, freezing in Tucson' but we only have space heaters in our house and when it gets cold enough to snow, they don't do a whole hell of a lot) when a good friend called me up and asked if I had looked outside recently. as I hadn't left the computer for several hours, i promptly went out on the front porch to find at least an inch of snow making the ancient cactus in our front yard very sad. it was snowing and it was sticking. my car was covered, the street was white, the poor desert plants were shivering. of course, the batteries in my camera were dead, but I did manage to get a crappy phone pic of a tiny snowperson at the park today (all the snow still hadn't melted at 10 this morning!). look at that sad little thing - it doesn't even have boobs or a pecker!

there are a bunch of much better photos of the January 2007 Tucson snow storm at flickr.


Anonymous 7:59 PM  

Thanks for keeping me informed about your travels. Very enjoyable & fun seeing where you went. Also a connection with family.

Love you,

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