Saturday, August 20, 2005

cruzita in zuniland

this is my dog. this is the picture that convinced me we should adopt her without even meeting her. she just looks like a good dog, right?


Gayle 10:02 PM  

You guys are cool! And besides that, your dog looks like a dog I had a long time ago named Angel! I absolutely love people who love dogs!
Whether you are Republicans or Democrats or somewhere in the intermediate spectrum, you are welcome to view my blogs, whether you agree or disagree. Even if you disagree, I am interested in everyone's opinion. And if you haven't decided yet what you are (because I can tell you are young, and when I was as young as you are, I didn't give a hoot or a holler about politics!) I would still like your comments.
AND I LOVE DOGS, so I can't be all bad, even if I am a Christian Patrioic Republican!
By the way, I should have said this first: Great blog! You seem to be fun people, and although I thought I had traveled a lot, I haven't been (but would love to be) where you have been!
Keep on keeping on!
www.letourvoicesbeheard.blogspot,com and
Hoping to hear from you!

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