Saturday, February 14, 2009

Can't sleep

Woke up from a dream in which I had discovered the best internet application ever. Was thinking about how I wanted to post a link to it on my blog or facebook when the clarity of the dream started to fade. I realized that I had made it all up in my dream, and that I could no longer remember what this most perfect web application had done. The details went fast and I was just left with the feeling that it was clever and funny and useful and that if I could just remember I could then make the best website ever. You know how it goes when you try desperately to remember dreams...nothing.

This post was brought to you, courtesy of my G1 phone and Blogger's email function, from my comfy bed in the middle of the night.


suz-q 10:04 PM  

You must figure out the best application ever! The world is counting on you.

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