Tuesday, May 22, 2007

rattlesnake love

i visited Steve and Sherry this past weekend in Camp Verde. nobody wants to see more pictures of me and Sherry standing on rocks, so i am including this amazing shot of 2 rattlesnakes mating that Sherry gave me. they wind around each other and dance before going off to do the nasty. some biologists (I'm sorry, I don't know who) captured this photo at Tuzigoot National Monument, which I previously remembered only because of the huge copper mine-tailings wasteland surrounding it. we went to Montezuma Well which is a neat little natural well filled by a mineralized, warm spring. quite a nice little spot on a late spring morning. to complete our weekend, we ate too much italian food and watched way too many (i'm not telling just how many) episodes of Lost (season 1).


Carolyn 10:27 AM  

Once you start watching Lost, it's over. I've watched like 10 in a sitting.


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